Restorative Dentistry in Lincoln, NE

Give your smile a second chance.

Do You Believe Your Smile Needs Some Attention?

Find out how Lincoln, NE restorative dentistry can help you change your smile.
An older man smiling while using his laptop

Restorative dentistry combines various services to repair or replace damaged or missing teeth. The main goal is to restore teeth function and appearance – while making sure you smile with confidence once again.

No matter how complicated your case might seem to be, our team …This link goes to our team page… at Star City Dental …This link goes to the Star City Dental home page… will find the proper treatment for you. We have vast experience, and our office is equipped with cutting-edge technology to ensure top-quality restorative dental care.

Restorative dentistry includes the following dental treatments:

We can solve anything from minor problems like small cavities to big complications such as multiple teeth loss. However, we always encourage our patients to visit the office at least every six months to catch dental issues on time and solve them with simpler and equally effective procedures.

Restorative Dentistry Benefits

Why invest in restorative dentistry?
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Improve Functionality

When you have your teeth restored, you also recover the functionality of the teeth – this means that you can chew and speak like you used to. Dentists can reproduce the exact anatomy that the damaged teeth used to have.

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Avoid Tooth Pain

No one likes having a toothache, and when cavities are left untreated, it can result in more pain and money down the road. If dentists spot them before it’s too late, they could restore them with a simple filling (or a crown if the damage is too extensive) and save you from acute tooth pain.

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Natural Looking Teeth

Our skilled dentist …This link goes to our dentist’s page… uses the best materials and works closely with lab technicians to create seamless fillings, temporaries for crowns, and other dental restorations. You can expect that your restorative work will look and feel just like your natural teeth.

How Restorative Dentistry Works

Our experienced and caring team will make you smile again.
An elderly couple showing off their new smiles

Restorative dentistry aims to recover your smile’s beauty and function. Every case is unique and requires different procedures, so once our dentist has examined your teeth and reached a diagnosis, they will talk to you about your treatment alternatives. Some patients only need a simple filling, but if your case is more complex, our dentist will explain all the options that you have and, together, you will find the one that suits you best.

Most treatments require local anesthesia, and at Star City Dental, we understand how anxious some patients can feel about injections (and restorative treatments in general). That’s why we do our best to create a relaxing atmosphere. We use numbing gel before all injections, and we offer N20 (laughing gas) to those patients that are particularly nervous or worried about dental procedures. We strive to make the appointment pain-free and comfortable for every patient.

Your teeth deserve a second chance. Book an appointment with our skillful dentist in Star City Dental and discover how we can transform your smile.

Restorative Dentistry FAQs

The answers to the most commonly asked questions.
  • Should I have my tooth extracted instead of trying to save it?
    Unless strictly needed, no dentist would advise a patient to have a tooth extracted when there is still a chance to save it. Before doing any extraction, our dentist will first evaluate if there are any other viable options, like root canal treatments or fillings. Dentists can restore severely damaged teeth using materials and techniques that no one could have dreamed of only a few decades ago.
  • How can I replace a missing tooth?
    There are multiple options available to patients, but the gold standard in tooth replacement are dental implants. No other restoration achieves the same results in terms of functionality and aesthetics. However, we also offer alternatives that might suit more reduced budgets, like full or partial dentures or dental bridges.
  • How long does a crown last?
    It is hard to determine the exact lifespan of a crown, as it depends on multiple factors. But, with proper care, a patient can expect a dental crown to last up to 30 years.
  • Do I need a crown or a filling?
    That depends on how much structure the affected tooth has lost. We try to preserve as much dental tissue as possible, so a filling will always be our first choice. But when the damage is too extensive, or if the tooth has been root-filled, our team will place a dental crown.
  • What is the most popular material for fillings?
    Nowadays, the most frequently used restorative material is composite resins. Composite resins are a tooth color material that closely mimics natural enamel’s texture, transparency, and shade. Composite restorations are durable and highly esthetic and usually are the restorative dentist’s top choice.
  • What is tooth wear?
    Tooth wear is the loss of external layers of the teeth due to natural or pathological wear down. It’s usually a consequence of night grinding or clenching, but sometimes there are other factors involved like diet, medical conditions (sleep apnea), or a problem in the patient’s bite. Our team can build affected teeth back up using composite resins, or bonding, and fit custom-made night guards to prevent it from happening again.

Schedule Your Visit

Smile like a star.
Star City Dental office exterior